
Outdoor Equipment

Market Umbrella - 9' Diameter Black

Where to find umbrella market black 9 foot in Sunnyvale

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Actual item may look different
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Rental Rate$50.00

Additional Information

  • Limited Quantity
  • Umbrellas require the use of either an umbrella guide or an umbrella base to stabilize the umbrella. The base is used to allow for freestanding umbrellas that can be placed throughout your event location, whereas a guide is used in the center of a round table. The guides screw into the bottom of the table. Please make your selection below.

Consider these items to go with your rental:

Prices are subject to change. Delivery and other applicable fees are not included in this price estimate.

Please call us for any questions on our umbrella market black 9 foot rentals in Sunnyvale CA, serving San Jose, Santa Clara, Mountain View & Los Altos